I love the spontaneity of people unposed – at work or having fun, or just simply being in their community.
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November, 2016
We had to cross this rather unstable bridge to get to the Punakha Valley in Bhutan. Those were colorful prayer flags when they were mounted on the bridge until they were bleached out by the sun. Our guide Kun seems to be having second thoughts about crossing the bridge.
Note PWP11
By now you have noticed that my wife and I took a pretty remarkable trip to Nepal and Bhutan in November 2016. There are also a couple images from that trip in Landscapes & Seascapes as well as in Architecture. Enjoy!
There are also a number of images relating to Action, which tend to involve people mostly at play, but I wouldn’t rule out people at work.
Child’s Play
November, 2016
School kids in Bhutan at play before classes begin. The children are playing in traditional Bhutanese clothes – the girls playing tug of war wear the Kira and the carousing boys in the background are wearing the Gho. All men and women are expected to wear traditional clothes at festivals and in public places such as school or governmental facilities.
Notes on Awards & Exhibitions
PWP1. Walking the Camels
- Second Place, Monochrome, Photographic Society of America, Councils’ National Competition Challenge, 2015
- Accepted into the Chester County Camera Club exhibit “My Point of View” at the Henry Gallery of Penn State Great Valley, on display from January 3 through March 20, 2019.
PWP2. Gulls and Girl Amelie Island
- Chester County Camera Club, First place, monochrome print , topic – open, Apr. 2013
- Invited into In Motion Exhibition at 1650 Gallery, Los Angeles, July 2014
PWP3. Seaweed Farmer in Bali
- Chester County Camera Club, Second place, color print, topic – People at Work, May 2015
PWP4. Food for Monks Mai Hong Son
- Chester County Camera Club, First Place, Street Scenes Color Print, Oct. 2015
PWP5. Fresh Gozleme
Chester County Camera Club First Place, People at Work, Mono Print, May 2015
Delaware Valley Council of Camera Clubs, Spring Competition, Second Place, Small Mono Print, May 2016
PWP6. Taking a Break in Bhaktapur
- Chester County Camera Club Third Place, Street Photography, Color Digital, January 2017
PWP7. Body to Body in Thamel Khatmandu
- Chester County Camera Club, Second Place, Street Photography, Color Print, January 2017
PWP8. Monks at Monastery, Bhutan
- Chester Country Camera Club, First Place, Open Color Print, April 2017
PWP9. Watching Passersby in Bhaktapur
- Chester County Camera Club Honorable Mention, Open Color Digital, April 2017
PWP10. Youthful Exuberance
- Accepted into the Artists Equity Fall 2018 Juried Members Exhibit “Connections”, at the Cheltenham Center for the Arts, Cheltenham PA, from September – October, 2018.
PWP11. Uncertainty
- Chester County Camera Club Second Place, Open Color Print, October 2017
PWP12. Graceful
- Chester County Camera Club First Place, Assigned Color Print, May 2019.
- Third Place, Photo of the Year, Chester Country Camera Club, June 2019.
PWP13. Reaching for the Heavens
- Images selected by the Brandywine Ballet to advertize their 40th Season (Fall 2019). So pleased that they selected the image from so many great images from our club!
PWP14. Sharing
- Chester County Camera Club, Honorable Mention, Assigned Color Digital, September 2020.
PWP15. This Way and That
- Chester County Camera Club, Second Place Open Color Print, March 2023